back to the lost coast
Having thought a little about what this Blog is about I have come to the conclusion that it is about the inane ramblings of a person going through a midlife crisis. So far so obvious, since I more or less said so in my profile. The blog has become a little bit of a diary, indicating how little of import has happened in my life over the last fortnight. Then it was a photo album sort of thing. that's OK, I like putting my photos up for comment, if only I could get a comment! OK I got one, complementary at that, but some feedback would be nice. But of course any negative vibes would make me upset, so I can't win there either.
Juliet called me a typical Gemini dual personality, a mess of contradictions. Now I don't ascribe to the all this astrological guff as practiced by those newspaper/radio/tv 'Mystic sMeg' types, but I do believe that the period of the year you are born in does develop your character. An example of this is school age. In Wales the school year runs Sept through August so those born in September find themselves almost a full year older than those in the same clas, born the following year. And a year is a long time when you are 4. So they are generally top of the pecking order and those born 9 months or more later are a little more 'put-upon'. This can affect your development for life. Well, that's my theory anyway,. I don't care what anyone else thinks. But I am a mess of contradictions so I suppose I conform to the geminian stereotype.
Back to my ramblings. I started this out as the lost coast and asked whether it was a real place or a state of mind, well I suppose it's both really. See more contradictions or at the very least a dithering. So here's a photo with the question:
Is this the lost coast?
G'day! Bears are the best animal to be - you get to sleep through winter! (Only stirring when a good swell comes in. and to eat)
Where's this photo of?
.......the lost coast.............
heh he he - ask a silly question....
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