Saturday, October 03, 2009

Well, I'm still building!

Things are moving along slowly but surely. The cockpit sole is down all sealed and proper like, and the side deck framing has at last been finished - just a couple more bearers to install, but those can wait until the ply deck is glued in so that I can make sure that I have a decent landing for the joint on the quarter.

of course like all boats, glass or not, there is a bit of asymetrically to the hull, nothing extreme, but enough to ensure that you need to measure both sides and not assume what fits one side will automatically do for the other.

The next bit is sanding back all those drips and smears, applying another coat of eposeal, installing the c/plate case top, painting everything that needs painting inside the boat, and then turning everything over so I can get to the underside.
I had intended to do that as the first job, but I thought that the shell was too flimsy to do that and decided to add some stiffness. I got sort of carried away and now have to possibly resort to 'plan B' careening her over far enough to do one side and the bottom and then shifting her the other way to do t'other side. It's no biggie really.


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