Friday, July 23, 2004

Friday on my mind

Yep, it's come around again, the best day of the [working] week, the day that if you have planned your workload or schedule right, you can start to unwind and be totally horizontal in a mental way by tomorrow morning.

Unless you have to work, that is. It's fine I suppose if you work every Saturday or even over the weekend, as long as you get a couple of days in the week. If you surf this can be a bonus as the waves are relatively empty in the mid week compared to the w/e. The downside is that everyone else is working when you are not and vice/versa. So you dont get quite as good a social life as everyone else.

This used to bother me, but quite honestly, as I get older I'm not so sure. Same with evening work. Now I'm not advocating working all night, no way, but hey 4 hours am until say 1100 and then another 4 from 6 till 10'ish pm would suit me fine, given the dearth of interesting stuff on the TV these days you would'nt miss much...and it would release all those lovely daylight hours to do what you want, like filing tax returns, doing the housework.

how many jobs could be undertaken like that, at any old hours? Flexi time is king, now lets just get out there and use it properly

photo for today, a reminder of last march:


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