Thursday, July 08, 2004


......... one of those non-days don't you think. It's closer to the weekend than Wednesday, so you should be in a more positive state of mind. But it's also further from Monday, which means that the angst and discontent levels are probably peaking around about now. It's also, very often, the dreaded *deadline* day when all those promises you made to your boss/partner/customer cme crashing down on you like a demented flock of geese.

So no, I don't do deadlines any more, apart from those over which I have no control whatsoever, because the law obliges me to stick with them. In that case I do the job, pay the bill, tax the car well within the period, and then deadlines no longer exist. simple. yeah right.

Update on the Juliette thing:

there is no real update, have'nt heard from her. caved in this am and left a message on her phone, but that's all.........

Neither have I photo for you all [anyone there? speak to me] Well I have but I can't really be bothered to search it out right now, so I'll leave it till another time.

It's Thursday, after all.



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