Wednesday, October 06, 2004

going weekly

Since the autumn [or fall if you prefer] is now upon us, life in this part of the world starts to slow down somewhat. The zest of summer has gone, to be replaced with lazy starts to weekend days, maybe a walk in the afternoon if the weather is ok, or watching sports on TV if it is'nt. I also need to start thinking DIY, since the bathroom now resembles a building site.

So, anyway, the point of this post is to inform my reader that for a while at least, I'm going to be adding to this Blog on only a weekly basis, always assuming I have something to say............

Who am I kidding I always have something to say, only I can't be arsed to write it all down. Part of the lack of coherent self expression that is my cross to bear. Never mind. Like most things in my life this blog will blow hot and cold as I do.


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