Round again, it's Friday
Can't believe I've been so neglectful of keeping my blog up to date, perhaps the novelty is wearing off, perhaps I've run out of photos to put up and bore you with.
However we are now D day -3, that is departure date, bound for the Scillies. yup we leave at around 3 am Monday morning, in order to get the south-going tide at Ramsey island. We will probably be an hour early, but if we leave here any later than three we'll miss the tide and be stuck until 7am. Since the usual knock-ons apply that would make us late for the tidal gates at Pembroke and then we would not arrive in the Scillies until after dark on Tuesday evening. So early it is, as far as I am concerned. jacki thinks otherwise, but unless she can prove me wrong, I'm sticking by it. 3am it is.
Juliet is starting to annoy me. There, I've said it. OK I like her a whole lot but she is'nt quite as easy going as me, and she tends to overanalyse everything, which is not good for her, because she then argues herself into a corner, says the wrong thing and then wonders why, for instance, that the digger man has'nt turned up to do the job he promised, a month ago.
On the other hand she finds it difficult to say 'No' to things. It's just a question of degrees. Since I'm going to be away for a week or so, I'm sure that will help, and we'll see when we get back.